Monthly Key West Fishing Report December 2010
December came on like a lion and well, quite frankly, has not stopped roaring., But, The fishing is spectacular in many areas here in Key West, Florida both inshore and those that brave the offshore.
Here at Dream Catcher Charters we are doing very well for the offseason bookings. Our guys are on the water just about 3 – 5 days a week each so everyone has a good grip on the constantly changing conditions out there.
The cold fronts are on a general 4 day roll through program so far this year, starting late in November it has not let up. This makes for a bit more than normal windy fishing along with cooler temps but it lights up certain areas of fishing and makes the seasonal changes more abrupt in others. Rumors of fish kills due to lower water temps are not only inaccurate but very disappointing that someone would say such unfounded information.
We run many backcountry fishing charters and lately we have been seeing better fishing in the deeper waters with a great influx of winter characters such as Bluefish, Jacks, Cobia, and Pompano. This will improve the volume and sometimes the sizes of the catch in the Key West backcountry waters. Along with the list of hard fighters lets not lose our focus on the staple shots such as trout, lady fish and Mangrove snappers making a well rounded fun high volume day of rod bending excitement.
Going flats fishing we have seen some, not allot of larger barracudas in the top of the day sunning themselves. with a bit of a warming trend these guys will jump on a plug. Some sight fishing for tailing redfish in the right conditions but this is dicey and unpredictable. Permit are very cold water tolerant and showing up on the incoming atlantic side flats for a guest appearance.
Deep sea fishing the bite has been pretty good. Some black fin tunas reported with a nice mix of sailfish and the start of our larger kingfish seasons out to the west.
Wreck and reef is where its at this month in Key West fishing. The last of the grouper season for 2010 will go out with a bang with a great fishery of reds and black grouper on the reef along with stellar catches of Mutton Snappers.
Grouper Season will close in the Atalantic in January so get out on a Wreck and Reef fishing trip.. Get with Island Gen and she will get you out there with me, Capt. Steven on board the “Intense” or one of my colleagues to fish these waters for a great day.
Capt. Steven Lamp
Dream Catcher Charters