Key West Tarpon Fishing Report January 3rd 2011
It’s January. The 3rd to be exact. Here in Key West a summer weather tarpon fishing window has appeared this week.
What does this mean?
Possibility of some tarpon here in Key West. Don’t go calling your bookie yet. Understand that this may not happen. I think that there is a good chance if the weather stays like this for the next couple days. We are IN.. The beasts will be here and ready to eat.
For the last couple days South easterly have been prevailing bringing warm air and water from the Atlantic basin. The next couple days are calling for oily calm waters and warm temps as the few front on their way are falling apart.
Book a tarpon fishing trip in Key West this week? Well- thats up to you. I wont guarantee it but they may be here and ready to eat. I would definitely make sure you book a well rounded trip and guide that can offer something else if the Silver King is not here and ready.
We have a regular cast of local little guy tarpon here this week already and they will show a good time. But many of you have been calling for the big guys of spring.. I am just trying to keep you updated… Boats are out this morning- An interim report may follow stay posted..
Call My Office and Speak to Island Gen For booking details, rates and schedule. She can help you with all things here in Key West.
Good luck and Bow…!!!