Key West Fishing Report Inshore
Fishing here at Dream Catcher Charters has been steady and full of fun days on the water as long as the weather held out. We are coming out of a drippy week that had some sunny days mixed in with some stellar flats fishing conditions throughout the period.
Our captains here at Dream Catchers have been getting into some bonefish and permit this last week which is typical for the season. Late September and early October are my favorite times to fish for bonefish and permit here on our Key West flats so no surprise.. Anglers can book a 4 or 6 hour trip and know they have a decent chance at either of those two amazing light tackle trophies.
But Here is whats interesting….

Angler fishing with Capt. Kyle of Dream Catcher Charters shows off a STUD of a lady fish… 5 lbs.. thats a company record.
Generally our winter cast of characters like trout, redfish, pompano, lady fish and large mangrove snappers don’t show up till November and December offering us an amazing amount of casting fun for our anglers with lots of fantastic catching with high volume trips loaded with great catches.. Well Guess what. Those fun fish we love to catch in the winter are here now ready to fight.. Capt Kyle Kelso and his angler a few days ago caught a nice 5lb lady fish on 10lb test. He said the fish never jumped and put up a tarpon’ish fight all the way to the boat.. Many fish in the 3-4 lb range have been caught since offering our clients loads of backcountry fishing fun.
We are delighted to see the fishery coming full circle for the year with amazing opportunities for our anglers.
Check out our web site at and see what we can do to show you an incredible day on the water fishing here in Key West, Florida.
Thanks for stopping by and Tight Lines.