Key West Redbone SLAM
Key West fishing busy weekend for me here at Dream Catcher Charters out of Key West.
Fishing the Key West Redbone SLAM event to catch the cure for Cystic Fibrosis. I have fished this event now for 15 years as a flats fishing guide. I have met and fished with some pretty amazing people including movie stars, pro athletes, writers and astronauts. Every year it is always a pleasure seeing some of the best named fishing guides in the business going out and showing folks a great time on the water and making it happen for the whole event.
This year I fished with Wade Boggs, as I did last year. This year we were on my 24 Yellowfin Bay Boat. We had a great couple of days sight fishing for Permit Bonefish and tarpon. Wade and I have taken the Celebrity Grand Champion top honors among other things many times in this event, So its anyones game when he shows up.
Fishing the Marquesas Keys both days was my game plan and the first day it panned out pretty well as we had some very nice shots at tailing and pushing permit for a good while before the storms chased us out. No connection though as the guys were trying it just did not come together for them. Fish out of range, well casted shots where the fish made a last second turn for the worse.. Day two was a bit of a challenge as Wade was not feeling his best after a bit to much sun exposure the day before. He stuck it out till about noon but really was not up for it and under captain concern we came in.. You name it we had it in our way. OH well there is always next year. Wade, Long Pants next time..
The other boats in the tournament did very well. Lots of bonefish and permit. Not as many tarpon as in years past but, it may be a bit too hot for them. We have had little in the way of big weather events here to ensure a good change up in the flow of waters around the keys.
It was interesting fishing this event in a bay boat. I think if I had my choice I would prefer a flats boat with dedicated anglers. But if I REALLY had my way. I would make a general division in this event and welcome all anglers for inshore. This would not only enhance the turnout for this event but also make more money for Red Bone. Gary if your reading this, maybe its time for a change from the old ways..
The boys are at it this am. couple trips today on this sleepy Sept day and it looks busy throughout the week. Flats fishing is the name of the game now and the weather is perfect for it.
Give us a call 1-888-362-3474 to see what we have to offer or check out our web site.