September Tarpon Fishing Report
September 15th 2015 – Tarpon fishing while not strong is still a thing here in Key West this month. We still have some nice sized fish located in some areas that are not frequently traveled.. 4, 6 and 8 hour trips will get you a shot at them. The nice thing about tarpon this time of the year is that we think they are easy to fish for. Less pressure equals easy fish.
We still book our backcountry fishing charters with a shot at the Silver King but a strong understanding that fishing might be painfully slow for tarpon this time of the year or Not..
That said — the flats fishing reports are telling of some good baby tarpon fishing up the Keys toward Big Pine Key and Marathon. Baby tarpon are a common fish to fish for here in the Lower Keys right up to the last warm days of the year.
To Book a Tarpon Fishing Charter Call Us