Key West Fishing Update

July 25, 2024 – Here is a Key West fishing report update. What’s going on in our fishing here in Key West this week and what we will expect in the near future as we move into August.

With Florida’s lobster mini season here, a large focus has been on this popular crustacean. The island is gearing up for the opening of lobster season on August 6th, and the subsequent 27th annual Lobsterfest celebration which will be held August 8-11, 2024. Local restaurants will line Duval Street and serve up some amazing lobster dishes. You can also enjoy a free concert and local artisans peddling their wares. 

florida lobster
Lobster season opens August 6th.

Early reports are that the lobsters still have yet to walk, so that looks like the beginning of the season should be strong. During lobster season, properly licensed snorkelers and divers can take up to six legal lobsters per day out of Monroe County waters. There are a number of local rules to follow, so getting out on a professional charter is helpful. They will provide you with the licenses, gear, and instruction necessary to catch a lobster. However, this is no easy feat. It is a lot of fun though! Toon Time Charters is a leader in these types of charters. Give them a call to set up a charter and experience lobstering the way the locals do. 

Backcountry Nearshore and Flats Fishing

The fishing in the shallows is always fun, especially for those people that get seasick as it has been pretty windy the last few days for sure. For those looking for shallow water sport fishing. Here at Dream Catcher Charters we have been flats fishing getting into some bonefish, permit and resident tarpon for our anglers with the patience to put in the time. Clear, calm conditions are a big help when hunting for these fish. July is one of our favorite months for great flats fishing here in Key West.

However, there are other species that we fish for in our backcountry waters that present less of a challenge and a lot of fun for anglers. Chasing big barracudas on the flats is a hoot, and they put up a real fight on light tackle. For easier shots and more weather resistant fishing the barracudas are ready to pounce on anything shiny and we have been getting some nice ones up to 17lbs on light tackle. Did you know that the barracuda is the number one sport fish of the Florida Keys? It also makes a great mount with those sharp teeth! Jack crevales, a close cousin to the permit, and yellow jacks put up a hell of a fight as well. We have been getting a good number of both on our backcountry fishing trips here at Dream Catcher Charters..

Flats caught barracuda Fishing in Key West

A big thing for the anglers who want to pull on something bigger than them is our many shark species that we fish for in the shallow waters, including nurse sharks, bull sharks, lemon sharks, blacktip sharks, bonnet head sharks, and the occasional hammerhead shark. On our shark fishing trips these shallow water monsters not only put up a great fight, but their menacing silhouettes are amazing to see as we bring them to the boat, creating lasting memories for anglers. 

Pro Tip: when fishing for sharks we use bonito for bait. These bloody fish are caught on board the “InXS” with our deep sea fishing charters as by-catch and really pull the sharks in from a good distance to the shallows where we sight fish for them.

Deep Sea Fishing

The deep sea fishing off of Key West has remained strong since our last report. The annual Marlin tournament held each July in concert with the Hemingway Days Festival was the strongest year that we have ever seen. A record number of marlin (11 I think) were hooked this year in addition to mahi mahi, wahoo, and sailfish. This and our success on bard the “InXS” this year on marlin has really raised some anglers eyebrows taking note of Key West marlin fishing.

For those looking to fill the box, the mahi fishing has been fire as of late. And, the fish sizes are good for this time of the year as well. Trolling the bigger baits has helped us catch these bigger fish and leave the “peanuts” behind. And, unusually for this time of year, the boats are not having to make a super long haul out to the wall to get these fish. They have been catching most days in 300 feet or less of water, making our runs short and anglers time behind the rods longer.

Mahi Mahi dolphin fish

Pro Tip: Trolling bigger baits can also give anglers the opportunity for that trophy marlin this time of year. This is the time of year to try for these billfish, as they will eat dolphin like we eat candy. Trolling bigger blue, green and yellow baits will draw these fish in when around. 

Reef Fishing

Meat hunting in Key West on the reef has been pretty decent these last few weeks. A little windy as of late but that only helps the bite. Water clarity has not been good on the reef and that also helps with the bite. Large mangrove snappers have been the hit this past few weeks as they are spawning. Large fish up to 7 and 8 lbs have been caught just West of Key West. The yellowtail fishing has also been pretty good on the reef making dinner for folks.

yellowtail snapper
Rebecca with a trophy yellowtail snapper

Pro Tip: the fishing gets better on the reef when the water is a little banged up (dirty). Fish are a little less cautious about what they eat as competition gets stronger for food. Use this for your advantage in setting up your spot to fish.

Fishing Forecast

Things will only continue to improve on the flats and in the backcountry for species such as permit and bonefish with baby tarpon. This is what we call the “SLAM” Season through October. The reef will hold great snapper fishing and the deep reefs will have some grouper. Grouper season closes on December 31 in the S Atlantic. Will deep sea stay heated? thats anyones guess, depends what the current does, fun fact the current is really far out this week and the fishing is great close.

The weather looks great for the LRF (Long Range Forecast) out to 10 days with light winds and great weather. It Will Be HOT!!!. So far the storms have left us alone but that makes us all nervous. This time of the year we always have a side eye on the tropics.

Fishing Charters

Pro Tips: This time of the year it is easy to book last minute for most charters. It’s a good idea. Call Your Fishing guide and find out what their storm policy is for refunds of deposits. For example here at Dream Catcher Charters we issue refunds if there is a tropical storm warning here for the days a client will be in Key West. ALSO… we issue refund if you get hit at home. Many of our Texas folks appreciated that this past month when they were hit.

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Do NOT Use on line booking services that you cannot speak to directly for a private Charter….

Our Office Number 305-292-7212
Text Number 786-847-3808
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