Deep Sea Fishing Cooling off as Reef Bite Picks Up.
August 1st 2014 – The dog days of summer are here and right on schedule the Gulf Stream has moved further out and so has the greener waters off of Key West. Perfect weather conditions are not favoring an increase in deep sea fishing potential but the reef bite has gotten better.
The lobster mobsters have left Key West after a seemingly successful mini season in the tail end of July where it looks like only 2 deaths were blamed on the 2 day bug hunting fiasco. Now back to the business of deep sea fishing.
The deep sea fishing report goes like this. There are some dolphin around. Large fish have been reported by some captains that are in faster (long range) boats that are willing to make the run to where the fish start to speak spanish and the northern mountains of Cuba are almost visible. A way to far run for your typical sport fishing boat that makes 25kts. Realistically without needing a passport the dolphin have been running smaller as typical this late in the summer with fish reported in the 5-12lb range being the better part of the day.
Trolling all day might earn you the right to catch a marlin or a wahoo, so do not discount the deep sea fishing all together, just make sure that if you do book a deep sea fishing boat a full day trip is on your agenda and in your budget to give the captain as much opportunity to find you some fish.
Deep Sea fishing is slow? Thats fine lets work the reef. The yellowtail snapper bite has been pretty decent in the last few weeks and the weather is perfect for those that might otherwise get a little seasick. Its flat calm. When you are booking a deep sea fishing charter ask the captain if he will change it up when things are slow and hit a reef or wreck to add some spirit into your day of catching.
The wrecks are holding some nice amberjacks, mutton snappers and the occasional huge barracuda. Sharks are also prevalent on the wrecks so be prepared to either get you catch to the boat or take a chance of it being consumed by a toothy critter.
The reefs are holding some nice size yellowtail snappers in the 80 – 120 ft range and the current is not raging so catching might be a little slow but productive none the less. Add some mackerel to the mix along with a shot at some jacks and barracudas, a fun day can be had.
For a Florida Keys wide fishing report Check out The Florida Keys Fishing Report
August is considered to be our off season. Take advantage of great hotel rates and fishing charter availability.
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