Deep Sea Fishing On Warm Christmas Week.
December 23rd 2015 – South Easterly winds are established and will prevail through the forecast period for this Christmas week. What does that mean to you wanting to go Deep Sea Fishing here in Key West? Read on….
Typically South Easterly winds mean a summer like or tropical pattern here in Key West for fishing. Warm winds come on the South Easterlies keeping the water temps up and very non typical winter style of fishing. Generally in late December we are looking at a strong kingfish bite, wahoo on the moons, black fin tunas on the wrecks and humps as well as some sailfish push through on the regular cold fronts. Not the case this month with 80+ degrees and South East winds at 10 -15 Its more like late April early May.
Current conditions are offering our deep sea fishing anglers shots at some great dolphin fishing (mahi mahi). On a warm winter its not uncommon to see dolphin come up to the shallow reefs and nail the copious amounts of bait (ballyhoo) that are there. Often times sailfish are also spotted up there doing the same. Dolphin are also just outside the reef in less than 400 ft that makes for a short run to catch a tasty fish. Kingfish up to 40lbs are reported right on the reef line just at the drop off a mere 6 miles South of the island chain. Black fins are being reported on some of our more popular wrecks also close. Expect 2-4 ft seas with the winds at 10-15 which is perfect conditions for trolling baits for sport fish!
We expect these conditions to prevail through the period.
Booking a Deep Sea Fishing Charter? Give us a call – Speak To “Island Genn” There is availability this Christmas week on several of our boats. We recommend at least a 6 hour trip that will cost between 900.00 and 1100.00 for 6 persons or less. A great way to enjoy the day deep sea fishing..
Call Us.. 1-305-292-7212