Storm Is Past Us – Lets Go Fishing
Key West fishing After Hurricane Irma
September 23 2017 – Or as we call it here in the Florida Keys and Key West 13 AI (13 days after Irma). Its my first fishing report since the storm. More of an informational thing. The Key West fishing report will be based off of previous hurricanes I have been through in Key West and the informational part will be about how you can get here to enjoy our fishing…
The Inshore fishing..
I don’t care how close or far away the storm was.. Hurricane George – direct hit in 98 or Hurricane Andrew – hit Miami in 92. the fishing after the storms was EPIC.. I remember after Andrew the lobster were everywhere. Jammed into some of the dumbest spots. The fish were all over the place too. In George it was the same way. I can remember fly fishing for bonefish as soon as we got our boats in the water to go “look around” It was EPIC.. The fish have been in dirty storm torn water for days.. as soon as it gets clear they start to forage. The shrimp in the backcountry have been blown offshore so the flats fish are ready to eat anything.. So Key West flats fishing will be good if not the best you will ever see.
The Key West deep sea fishing has been very good from reports of boats that have already been out. Floating debris are holding HUGe dolphin for this time of the year. Wahoo will also be under these pieces as well. The Key West charter fleet was bruised but not damaged. there are a good number of boats that are ready to fish tomorrow or Monday. I am thinking that these post storm opportunities might be fishing trips of a lifetime.
The Reef
Think about it. Murky waters for a week or two.. Cant find food.. as soon as water clears up.. WHAM.. these guys are ready to feed.. Its easy math.. I am headed out tomorrow morning to find out what the Key West reef fishing does and get some fish back in my freezer to replace what we lost during our 7 days with no power. Man can only live on Spam so long.. Just kidding, we have had it pretty good. My wife is the grille master and the stores opened up quickly.
Can you Come here yet?
Yes.. Key West officially opened its doors when they said the first cruise ship with tourists is coming in on Sunday. We hear that there are good number of hotel rooms and places to stay in Key West. Don’t try and book anything in the lower middle keys.. Things are still a bit worked over there. let that area get back on its feet.
Key West Airport is good to go. Fly in is best. Key West is not really big so UBER your way around and save the cost of a rental car.
Driving down you will see some disturbing things. If you chose to drive down please do the speed limit and try not to rubber neck too much, it really holds things up. On your way to Key West don’t forget to stop at the shops in Islamorada and Key Largo and buy some stuff, they are trying to get back on a economical line as well. Key West roads are cleaned up mostly and very passable, nothing to worry about there. Getting better every day.
Places are open for business. Key West bars and Key West restaurants many are open and serving. They would love to see you.
Key West Fishing charters are ready to roll. I know we are here at Dream Catcher Charters. Boats are on line, fueled up and ready to make great memories again.
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