Grouper Season Opens In The Atlantic
Great day in May, its finally grouper season… YEA!!!
Winds are up today which might keep a few from hammering the loads of grouper we have been catching out on the reefs here off Key West but not all. I personally take Sundays off and it’s my birthday so, I am here in the a/c writing to you about my little birth day gift of being able to catch and keep grouper..
These tasty delights are the top of any seafood menu at any restaurant and will make your mouth happy. I love grouper for many reasons. This is the one fish that I have saught out to kill since I was very young, like 5. My father made an art of killing grouper with a spear back in the 70’s and he was really good at it. Wanting to follow in his steps I was too a spear fisherman and had some incredible times shooting grouper as well but always caught them on rod and reel too. I cannot say which I prefer the best, both are so much fun.
Out West yesterday we caught and released some grouper that went to 20 lbs. They are ready.. Also with the grouper fishing we have the mutton snapper fishing as well in the deeper waters to add some color to the box and some great tasting meat as well.
We are running grouper fishing trips with snappers and a whole lot of other fish as well out to the West here on the Intense .
Ok, here are the Regulations…..
– 1 Gag grouper or black grouper not both per person per day
– Any numer of any other kind of Grouper, fishing in less than 240 ft of water to equal 3 grouper per person per day total bag limit.
Did you get that? LOL yea,…. me too..
Anyway, we look forward to getting some fishing done with folks this May as the season gets started.. Give us a call 1-888-362-3474 check out our web site..
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