Fishing Report For Key West
Key West fishing report — Sept. 23rd 2013
Things are right on schedule here in Key West for fishing. Although he weather has done what it can to keep us guessing and keep us wet there have been no major hurricanes to report and none on the horizon. Water temps in the backcountry and on the flats are unseasonably cooler than normal. The patch reefs are also cooler.
Across the board the fishing report will seem like a up beat brochure that says COME TO KEY WEST.. LOL but its true. Every where we look fishing has been great and anglers are having a great time at the expense of sore lips or worse for many fish.
Flats / Backcountry Fishing
On the Flats It is SLAM season… They are all here.. All three species.. Permit, tarpon and bonefish. On every trip I have run in the last two weeks They all checked in each day. All in the normal spots too. Whether in my bay boat or my flats skiff the fish are there and ready to fight. Some nice permit have been landed as well as Tarpon and bonefish. The flats have incredible flow right now as the full moon was just a few days ago. October is always my favorite month for great bonefish and permit fishing. A great month all the way around for Flats Fishing.
The All In Oneder fishing charter is a hit this time of the year. It is where we take you on an adventure of fishing both inshore and offshore on board one of our bay boats. On this trip we have been into bonefish, tarpon, permit, jacks, snappers, groupers, sharks, barracudas, mackerel and lots of other hard pulling critters. We fish the wrecks, flats, reefs and backcountry all in one day. Learn LOTS.. This time of the year this charter is without a doubt your best deal.
Offshore Reef and Deep Sea…
Deep Sea Fishing the boats are getting into Sailfish in 240′ dolphin coming in under the SE winds and Kings on the reef.. Wait… did I say Kings? yep. We already have Kingfish up to 35lbs here in Key West on the reef. Not a bunch of them but we do have some kings. The reef fishing has been very good with yellowtail snappers and muttons in the deeper reefs. Current and winds have been favorable for all of them.
We have big fun throwing plugs at the yellowtail snappers. Less mess more fun and a very affordable day of dinner fishing. Give us a call and ask more details.
Here at Dream Catcher Charters… Fishing is what we do. We pioneered backcountry fishing in Key West and set the bar for charters in general. The nicest boats, gear and the most professional fishing guides. We fish the day the way you want to.
Call Us For More Details