A New Year Same Story – Fishing Is Great!

One Happy Angler fishing with Merlin of Dream Catcher Charters. A nice Spanish Mackerel on light tackle.
December 28th 2014 — Its coming up on the new year and the fishing through Christmas week was awesome and we expect New Years week to be the same. Weather conditions ranging from 5 – 12 mph winds, clear skies and temps in the 70’s we are and have been truly blessed these last few weeks..
Backcountry fishing has held up very well offering our anglers a fun day of fishing in the backcountry islands around Key West and surrounding areas. Pompano, snapper, barracudas, sharks, jacks and blue fish are the starting line up daily giving our anglers the time of their lives casting, hooking, reeling and catching lots of fish. We can carry up to 4 persons backcountry fishing here at Dream Catcher Charters on board our state of the art bay boats and show you an amazing day on the water.
Flats fishing has been awesome with these Easterly warmer winds. Permit are tailing up on the flats and most are pretty darn big. Our flats fishing anglers have had some great shots at 30 plus pound permit. Along the way taking some shots at huge barracudas sunning themselves on the flats is a really explosive strike and one that will surely wake you up. Do not discount the tarpon and bonefish. We have seen the lone bonefish on the flats and some tarpon in the channels on the warmer days.. We can fish you on the flats using our state of the art flats boats or bay boats, your choice same price. IF you chose the flats boat option make sure balance is not your issue.
The reef fishing bite seems to suffer when its flat calm and perfect. However not to fret we have been hammering the Spanish, Cero and the King Mackerel along with ample yellowtail snappers and the occasional mutton snapper. Mostly using artificial baits these trips appeal to those liking to add some more adventure to their day and expand the selection of fish they are going for. Using our bay boats for these trips really helps hold down the costs getting you out there to catch some hard pulling reef species if the weather allows.. NOTE: January 1 is the end of our grouper season for 2014.
Deep Sea Fishing has been awesome. Reports from our boats are telling tales of Nice gaffer sized dolphin mixed with catches of tuna and wahoo up to 30 lbs. Best part is, its all right close to the reef so the long runs are not needed to go out and score a nice deep water fish for your day. Our deep sea trips are done on board sport fishing boats that range in size from 38 – 47 ft and vary in price range. Deep sea fishing is very popular this time of the year as it gets up to 6 persons on the same boat and makes the trip affordable and fun especially with the sport fish being so close to the reef.
Things are tight in our schedule for New Years week but.. We have colleagues that work with us and live up to our standards of customer service and fishing. Give us a call and we will be happy to get you hooked up with them.
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