Its Flats Fishing Season!
September 29th 2016 – Summertime and the living is easy. It may technically be “fall” in the rest of the world. But you couldn’t tell us here in the Key West. September has been serving up some beautiful flat calm days. Light winds and a dash of sunshine present endless opportunities for us Key West flats fishing enthusiasts.
The permit fishing has been at the top of its game. Calm waters allow us to hunt tailing fish. As well as track schools across the flats. A live crab or jig has been the bait of choice for us here at Dream Catcher Charters. Keep in mind, the permit is not always the one you take home on the first date. It sometimes takes some patience and tact. But if you are willing to put in the work. The pay off is incredible.
Bonefish and juvenile tarpon are still big players in the backcountry as well. Early mornings and late afternoons will be prime times for these trophies. Look for bonefish to work their way onto the flats during the incoming tide. And keep a eye for juvenile tarpon rolling on the edges.
Do not count out shark fishing!! There isn’t anything more exciting that watching a big lemon shark hunt down your bait in two feet of water. First step to shark fishing is shark bait. Jacks and ladyfish make great baits and are a blast to catch as well!
I spoke with our very own Capt Brian this morning dockside at Sunset Marina. This is our base of operations here at Dream Catcher Charters. He proceeded to tell me that he ran into some Goliath Groupers in a channel just 10 minutes from our dock! I warn you that these big brutes are addicting to catch and pull like a freight train. You never know whats going to swim by in this magical place.
Summertime fishing here in Key West is not something you want to miss. Give Island Genn a call. She handles all of our schedules and she will be happy to get you out of the water. We offer 4, 6 and 8 hour trips on a flats boat or our top of the line bay boats. See you soon!
Give us a call – 305-292-7217
We Personally Answer The Phone!