Sunset Marina Key West – Changes Hands
Sunset Marina Key West Changes Hands
As of August 1st 2017 Dream Catcher Enterprises will be the new proprietor of Sunset Marina in Key West, Florida. The home of Dream Catcher Charters since 2002.
My wife Gennifer Lamp and I will be overseeing the operation.
This will include the Ships Store, Fuel docks and transient slips. We will also be helping to manage the rest of the marina known as the documinium.
We intend to bring the entire marina as far into the new melinium as we can afford with a complete covienience store offering more items. Continued rec 90 and diesel fuel at competitive prices. We also intend to help uphold the documents that were drawn up for the documinium owners and keep the marina a clean and safe place for everyone.
The Changes
I see all kinds of possibilities for the buisiness side of the marina. I also see some new challenges that are currently developing. With patience and understanding I am certain these changes will all work out.
Immediately we will start to sell live bait to anyone that needs it. Crabs, pinfish, and live shrimp. The assortment of frozen bait will remain as chum, ballyhoo (rigged, unrigged, jiggers), silver sides, mohjara. Offering larger options for block ice as well as bagged ice.
In the future
We would like to add some Kayaking rentals for fishing and touring to the facility and a possibility of boat rentals maybe some pontoon boats. But the main thing will be improving the store for the folks that frequent the marina.
To Keep up with what’s happening at Sunset Marina check out our Face book Page.. Sunset Marina. Any news or community bulletins will be posted there for all to see.
Capt. Steven