Key West Fishing Forecast For November
Key West fishing forecast for November
October 29 2020 – November looks like it’s coming in like a lion let’s hope it goes out like a sheep. The Forecast for fishing in the first week in November is shaping up to be a wind blown froth as our first real cold front approaches hopefully marking the end of this very very long hurricane season. Once the Northerly weather patterns start to prevail things switch here in Key West fishing and here is what to expect.
Reef Fishing
The winds are not a way to start the day when headed out to our reefs. Especially when they are coming right down our coast line here in the Lower Florida Keys at 25 mph. This can make fishing tough next week. The cool part about Key West is that we have some good nearshore and some inshore reef fishing if the taste of grouper and snapper has your attention for fishing.
After the blow next week I expect the Key West reef fishing to be lit up. November is notorious for massive amounts of baitfish on the reef. Once the water starts to clear a little The cero mackerels will be crushing the baits and the snappers will start to forage and feed on the pieces and parts lighting up the reef bite.
I love a good November day of reef fishing for yellowtail snappers, shallow water mutton snappers and grouper. For added fun the cero mackerels and yellow jacks will rip drag and show folks a great time.
Deep Sea Fishing

The full moon is this weekend. That means the wahoo bite might go off a bit if the conditions are right. This years wahoo bite off Key West has been insane.. With the blow next week I don’t see many of us getting out past the reef comfortably till maybe Thursday the 5th and even then it will still be blowing over 20. After that, I think the Key West deep sea fishing will be very good. Remember, a good South East wind for a couple days will bring the Mahi Mahi in and a North East wind will help bring the sailfish and tunas about with a good bet on wahoo during the two to three days before and after a full or new moon.
Backcountry and Flats Fishing
This may be where it’s at for many folks that have a hankering to fish this next week or so while it blows. A cold front that offers little change in temps can really stir things up in the backcountry waters. When the waters get dirty from the blow many fish have a tough time feeding making them good targets when it starts to clear up. The first fronts will often spark the fire of our finger mullet runs (which have already started). Massive numbers of mullet in 3-9ft of water making a big white mess (muds) inviting all the predators to come in and feed. The list of Key West fish species is huge that hit these muds and the fishing can be a ton of fun.
The flats fishing for targeted species such as permit or tarpon will be tough during the blow but after, when the water clears up, it will be game on. I expect the amazing bonefishing we have had to stick around as the water temps are not expected to drop much. The permit don’t care and the juvenile tarpon, well, November is a great month for them.
Our Fishing Charters
We have been pretty busy through October for Key West fishing charters here at Dream Catcher Charters. Mostly backcountry fishing lately with folks wanting to take advantage of our great bonefishing early in the month before the rains and rod bending on jacks and some baby tarpon. The weather really sucked the last week or so here in Key West but We had many reef fishing charters in through early October that were pretty productive for yellowtail snapper, mutton snapper and grouper. Deep Sea fishing on board our 47ft Viking the In XS we hammered the big wahoos earlier in the month before that crew went on vacation.
If you are interested in fishing in Key West, call us.. It’s easy. There is no fishing charter offered in Key West that we do not offer here in house at Dream Catcher Charters. With 11 boats including bay boats, traditional flats fishing boats, Large triple engine center consoles and a 47 ft Viking sport fishing boat we can usually cover all the bases. When we can’t, we know who can help you and will hook you up with the right guide to fit your Key West fishing special request or budget.
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