Fishing The Flats In August
August 1 2022 – Flats Fishing in August is a great way to get off the dock and enjoy a fantastic day of fishing. The Last part of July was windy. This will stir things up and drop the water temps a bit in the first part of August which will make the flats a great place to go fishing.
July, August, September and October are my favorite months for sight fishing the flats here in Key West. As we come into August it looks like we are going to have some calmer weather with crystal clear water. Truly a sight fisherman’s dream. August in Key West is also the time of the year where seemingly everyone goes or stays home and the waters here are burdened with less traffic. Room rates start to go down and the flats fishing heats up.
Check Out The Key West Fishing Seasons Calendar
Fishing Report
July was as pretty good month for us on the flats even in the wind. There were loads of permit in the shallows ready to gun down a crab. Problem was, we had no crabs. Our bait folks have been having a hard time getting us some crabs to use for our fishing here in Key West. Crabs were at a premium for sure. SO.. This made us look for alternatives to still be able to target permit. In the last week of July we were able to get some crabs to work with so that will be good. Even still, here is the link to the ChaseBait Crab we have been using. works great..
Chase Bait Crab is great for permit and bones.
Hogy 7″ Lure is a great tarpon fishing bait.
Brown flats fishing jig is a bonefish guarantee.
DAIWA Exist Spinning reel – The last reel you will ever buy.
We have been doing well on the flats with a good number of bonefish. We seemed to have the bonefish dialed in for our customers with some nice catches there as well, mostly using live shrimp but a couple were caught on fly and one was caught with a total beginner while fly fishing with Capt. Tommy earlier in the month. Our secret in the hot months is to find the spots where the water is not boiling hot.
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Every day we leave the dock in the morning we alway put a few minutes in to go tarpon fishing. That paid off as well with some left over large tarpon still lurking in the channels and Key West harbor. Actually some really large tarpon were caught in July. Using live bait such as pinfish we can get it done, hooking our folks up to some really good fish. Being July the pressure starts to come off the tarpon as all the short timers leave and us full timers are still here making it happen day in and day out for our folks. I find that our large tarpon stick around through the month of September. September is also when I start targeting the baby or juvenile tarpon using artificial lure with spin tackle or fly rod.
Coming Up In August
August is the opening of the regular Key West lobster season on 8/6. This is not the mayhem that mini sportsman’s lobster season that we had on the 27th and 28th of July can be, however there will be some boats out there diving the channels in and around the flats that hold our permit and bonefish. I always tell folks to give it a week. By August the 10 or 11th things settle down to a nice quiet sleepy pace out there on the flats right on through October.
Flats Fishing Charters
In the past August was as slower month for us here in Key West for fishing charters. Maybe it was the heat or the fact we just did not have a lot of Key West events going on here. Now not the case. It progressively started getting busier and busier in the last 12-15 years. Booking ahead is important but not super critical. Flats fishing requires an experienced flats fishing guide to get your best chances for your day out there. I personally have been Key West flats fishing since 1994. My schedule has a few openings in August.
I provide all the high end tackle you will need both fly fishing and spin fishing. I use the nicest boats you can imagine for a charter boat. We have fun. My “All In One-Der” fishing charter is the best way to really get the most from your day out there with me.
To Book A Fishing Charter
CALL 305-292-7212
TEXT 786-847-3808
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