Where Is All The Sargassum
August 2 2023 – Where is all the sargassum weed they were talking about on the news back in April and May?? We were supposed to be covered up in it.. The reefs were going to die and the beaches were going to be stacked up miles deep in the stuff sending folks home with respiratory issues. They must have saved us from it because we sure are not seeing much weed deep sea fishing here off of Key West.

Deep Sea Fishing Report
Its good.. There are plenty of mahi out there with some wahoo mixed in. On board the “InXS” We are able to put together a good box of fish for folks in a day without having to run to the Flemish Cap to catch them. We are catching more short fish than keepers but we weed through them and adjust our spread to attract the larger fish. The last few days I have fished running deeper and further just meant consistently more small fish under birds as the weed was sparse and inconsistent if any. Coming back toward the reef was better. We put some nice mahi in the box in less than 500 ft of water.
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Fishing Key West
Yesterday we found a small area of groups of weed clumped up just inside the East bound current. These were holding some fish. As I mentioned lots of smalls but the deep troll pulled the legal sized fish from the depths. I always rely on my down riggers during a full moon to pull the fish.. Late in the day we saw some straight weed lines in 480 here off of Key West that went a good ways both directions.. Trolled them to the end and not a bite. We even saw some floating debris and still nothing. Taking a note from the past few days where we went back toward the reef we managed larger mahi in less than 200ft. Mostly under birds and a few just random. All in all it was a pretty good day for the dog days of summer.

Deep Sea Fishing Charters
Summer is a great time to get out and go deep sea fishing off of Key West. We offer 4, 6, and 8 hour trips to fit lots of budgets. The best thing to do is call Island Genn, learn about your options and book a trip. Ask about split or shared charters too.
Office 305-292-7212
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Pro Tips For DIY
The last few days have been pretty random on what the mahi have hit the best. The larger fish have hit mostly meat.. Naked ballyhoo trolled. Yesterday went Gothic and tried our dark baits for a nice mix and that paid off for a few good mahi and a bonito. The colors were just not getting it done.. Up in the tower I can see how the fish react to the baits and they were not happy with colors yesterday, so we went black in addition to our meat and it paid off. We rig this with a 7/0 hook and Saiko Fluorocarbon. A great bait for lots of stuff – tuna LOVE IT!

Here is the Link to MirroLure Site for this trolling bait.