Flats Fishing Key West Has Been Great!
Flats Fishing Key West
March 4th 2018 – This last week has been absolutely perfect as far as the weather goes for the last week in February and first few days of March. Granted we have a chill down this week on our latest cold front. Chill meaning temps in the high 60s for a day or so but the recovery will be swift and the fishing will not be affected to much with any major dips in water temps. So, that said, I expect the following to remain the same or even get better..

Tarpon fishing bite has been real good this past week. We expect it to stay strong.
Everyone loves March flats fishing for Permit here in Key West. The slobs get on top of the flats and tease our anglers with a shot at glory. Big permit have been a way of life here for Key West flats fishing guides long before I started fishing back in the early 90’s. I always love the high tides that the March full moon bring for a good shot at a monster permit on top of the flats while he is hunting crabs. This March has been all that and more.
Added to the great permit fishing the last of February here on the flats of Key West we have had nice bonefish and consistent tarpon fishing that I have not seen in about 6 years in the middle of the coldest month of our year. The tarpon seem to be everywhere we looked. Big groups of fish just exploding with happiness eating bait, free jumping and just enjoying the day. Easy targets? No, not super easy like May but still we are getting our anglers hooked up pretty regular.
I am never a guy that will book a Key West fishing charter in February or March based on bonefishing. However there have been some good sized fish spotted and even a few caught this last week on the flats. Bonefish up to 8lbs in Key West are not super common. I was fishing a flat West of Key West last week with an angler and we ran into a single that I swear was over 9lbs. He was a beast. We were permit fishing in a target rich environment when we saw this dude come by the boat just outside my trolling motor like he owned the place. Tossed a crab at him and he sauntered off uninterested. Nice fish.
Key West Flats fishing can be super fun but also super challenging. We separate the words flats fishing from Backcountry fishing. Essentially they mean the same thing but the disciplines are different.. Read my article about the difference between flats fishing and backcountry fishing or check out my web site at www.fishingkeywest.com or www.dreamcatchercharters.com to see the differences in how we sell our Florida Keys fishing charters.
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