Key West Tarpon Fishing Report
Key West tarpon fishing report.
May 17 2019 – The weather was a bit sketchy this past week for the most part. Rains in the morning but nothing heavy. As the rains cleared then started the winds. Winds out of the East at about 15 were nice and cool.
Tarpon Fishing Report
I will say it right off the bat. One of the slowest first weeks in May of tarpon fishing I have seen in my career that spans 25 years. We caught tarpon, don’t get me wrong, but where we usually see hundreds of tarpon we only saw dozens and in some cases, like today we saw a dozen all day. I am hoping the boys do well on the out going tide this afternoon.
None the less my anglers and I did well putting some fish in the air and making it happen, but nothing like normal.
Whats The Difference?
These past few days have been the days before a full moon. Usually a good time in the morning to get it done. Rain? no, I don’t think the rain had anything to do with it. The East winds started up today but the air was dry and cool. It almost felt like the tarpon that were here took a break from the backcountry and were waiting for something to happen.
Tarpon Fishing Forecast.
LOL.. I don’t know at this point. Having been offshore a few times this week for an incredible reef fishing bite on Yellowtails to send my tarpon fishing anglers home with some meat. I saw huge loads of tarpon moving along in the deep waters of Hawks Channel. Not uncommon to see “new arrivals”. These fish were headed to Key West so I naturally thought that the next day was going to be Stellar.. Nope.. slow. Maybe tomorrow.
Next week looks like good weather. Mellow winds till about thursday then the high pressure establishes and brings us a hard Easterly wind. There will be tarpon around, how many? its Gods guess. I know I will be out there drowning live bait, casting flies and artificial till we get it done to help me out with a GREAT Key West tarpon fishing report for next week.
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